Natchez Trace Parkway | PICNIC AREAS

Picnic Areas on the Natchez Trace Parkway

Picnic Areas on the Natchez Trace Parkway

There are 49 stops on the Natchez Trace Parkway that have picnicking areas. Of course nothing prevents you from pulling over at any Parkway stop and having a meal in your car, on the curb, or on the grass, but if you want a table, choose from one of these spots. All picnic tables are first come, first served.

In the list below, following the stop name is a T for Tables, G for Grills, and R for Restroom. The number proceeding a T or G is the number of tables and grills (if there is no G listed, there are no grills). The number in parenthesis is the mile marker where the picnic area is located on the Natchez Trace Parkway. Mileage is counted from south to north, so the lower the number, the farther south the stop is located.


  1. Turpin Creek Picnic Area: 6T, 2G (12.1)
  2. Coles Creek Picnic Area: 18T, 6G, R (17.5)
  3. Rocky Springs Picnic Area: 10T, 3G, R (54.8)
  4. River Bend Picnic Area: 18T, 11G, R (122.6)
  5. Holly Hill Picnic Area: 6T, 1G, R (154.3)
  6. Kosciusko Welcome Center: 6T, 6G, R (160)
  7. Jeff Busby Park Picnic Area: 16T, 11G, R (193.1)
  8. Witch Dance: 8T, 4G, R (233.2)
  9. Natchez Trace Parkway Visitor Center: 6T, R (266)
  10. Bear Creek Picnic Area: 8T, 3G (313)
  11. Colbert Ferry Park Picnic Areas: 20+T, 8G, R (327.3)
  12. Cypress Creek Picnic Area: 7T, 4G (343.5)
  13. Holly Picnic Area: 9T, 1G (346.2)
  14. Jacks Branch Picnic Area: 12T, 11G, R (377.8)
  15. Meriwether Lewis Site Picnic Areas: 20+T, 16+G, R (385.9)


  1. Mud Island Creek Picnic Area: 3T (22)
  2. North Fork Coles Creek Picnic Area: 3T (23)
  3. Sunken Trace: 1T (41.5)
  4. Owens Creek Waterfall: 2T (52.4)
  5. Deans Stand: 1T (73.5)
  6. Battle of Raymond: 1T (78.3)
  7. Parkway Information Cabin: 3T, R (102.4)
  8. Old Trace and Brashears Stand: 2T (104.5)
  9. West Florida Boundary: 2T (107.9)
  10. Yockanookany: 1T (130.9)
  11. Myrick Creek: 1T (145.1)
  12. Bethel Mission: 1T (176.3)
  13. Ballard Creek Picnic Area: 1T (201.3)
  14. Old Trace Segment: 1T (221.4)
  15. Hernando De Soto: 2T, 1G (243.3)
  16. Monroe Mission Station: 1T (245.6)
  17. Tockshish: 1T (249.6)
  18. Chickasaw Council House: 2T, 1G (251.1)
  19. Natchez Trace Parkway Visitor Center: 3T (266)
  20. Dogwood Valley: 1T (275.2)
  21. Donivan Slough: 1T (283.3)
  22. Pharr Indian Mounds: 2T, R (286.7)
  23. Tennessee-Tombigbee Waterway: 4T 1G (293.2)
  24. Jourdan Creek Picnic Area: 1T (295)
  25. Water Route Overlook: 4T (328.7)
  26. Rock Spring Nature Trail: 1T (330.2)
  27. Glenrock Branch Picnic Area: 5T, 3G, R (364.5)
  28. Metal Ford: 5T, 3G (382.8)
  29. English Camp Picnic Area: 1T, 1G (386)
  30. Jackson Falls: 3T, 2G, R (404.7)
  31. Gordon House Historic Site: 2T, R (407.7)
  32. Water Valley Overlook: 1T (411.8)
  33. Burns Branch Picnic Area: 4T (425.4)
  34. Garrison Creek Picnic Area: 5T, 3G, R (427.6)

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Last updated on December 13, 2021
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