I used your site fairly extensively this year for sites such as Everglades, Biscayne, Andrew Johnson, Great Smokies, New Bedford Whaling, Roger Williams, Cape Cod, Allegheny Portage Railroad, and Johnstown Flood. I hope you can keep it up.

—James, web site visitor

Your website that covered the Vicksburg Battlefield was packed with helpful information. Thank you for offering such a great service. Having the information that you have compiled allowed our family group to have a great self-paced tour.

—National Park Planner Donor

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National Park Planner is not affiliated with the National Park Service and does not receive funding from any government organizations. To date, the project has been self-financed by writer and photographer Steve Markos. The information currently on National Park Planner took Steve estimated 30,000 hours of traveling, writing, editing photos, and creating web content at a cost of over $50,000.

If everyone who visited National Park Planner in one month donated just $25, enough money would be raised to add 70 new park reviews this year plus update the information and photographs on the existing parks already reviewed. After visiting the website, if you agree that National Park Planner is far superior to the National Park Service’s website, or any other National Park website, and is a noble cause that should be continued, please donate and help keep the park reviews coming.

If you donate $50 or more, I will send you a National Park Planner T-shirt. Be sure to include your shipping address when making the donation. There is a text box where you can enter a note.

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With a few exceptions, use of any photograph on the National Park Planner website requires a paid Royalty Free Editorial Use License or Commercial Use License. See the Photo Usage page for details.

Last updated on September 30, 2024
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