Petersburg National Battlefield | ENCAMPMENT TRAIL

Encampment Trail Map

Encampment Trail Map

See the Eastern Front Trails web page for a complete trail map.

Length: 1.5 miles
Type: Hikers, Bikers, Horseback Riders
Difficulty:  Easy with one short-but-moderately steep hill

The Encampment Trail runs north to south through the middle of the Eastern Front Unit of Petersburg National Battlefield. At the north end, it starts at the parking lot for a National Park Service maintenance building on Siege Road (marked Intersection U on the trail map). However, only authorized vehicles are allowed to use the parking lot, which pretty much negates starting a hike from there. The trailhead on the south end is on Siege Road south of Fort Morton, Stop 7 on the Eastern Front Driving Tour. There is no parking here either, which means that most likely you’ll be hiking other trails before reaching the Encampment Trail.

I began my hike from the Ranger Station parking lot on Hickory Hill Road by first taking the Hickory Trail east from the parking lot and picking up the Encampment Trail at Intersection S. From there I hiked south to Siege Road along what is essentially an old dirt road, which is typical of trails in the park that allow horseback riding. I did not hike the northern half of the trail, but I’m pretty sure it is an old dirt road as well.

Typical terrain at the southern end of the Encampment Trail at Petersburg National Battlefield

Typical terrain at the southern end of the Encampment Trail at Petersburg National Battlefield

The southern half of the Encampment Trail gradually climbs the entire time, but the only hill worth mentioning comes on a .1-mile segment from Intersection S to the intersection with the Willcox Trail (Intersection BB). From Intersection S, the trail heads downhill into a ravine where a small creek is located, and once across the creek, it’s all uphill to the Willcox Trail. The uphill climb is quite steep, perhaps moderately strenuous for those on foot. I rode my bike and could not make it up the hill, but only because of the loose gravel. I had to stand up and peddle to put some oomph into it, which caused my back tire to spin in the gravel, bringing me to a stop. I had to get off and push the last twenty feet. Once past the Willcox Trail, the terrain is relatively flat and easy to hike.

Between the Willcox Trail and Siege Road is an intersection with the Hickory Trail. If you take a left here, you will come out at the parking lot near the Ranger Station. The Hickory Trail is not identified by name on the trail map that is available at the Eastern Front Visitor Center, but I have corrected it on the map available here on National Park Planner.

Intersection of the Encampment and Hickory trails at Petersburg National Battlefield

Intersection of the Encampment and Hickory trails at Petersburg National Battlefield

The Encampment Trail eventually comes to an end at Siege Road, .9 mile from Intersection S. On the other side of the road is the start of the Poor Creek Trail.

Southern end of the Encampment Trail at Siege Road in Petersburg National Battlefield

Southern end of the Encampment Trail at Siege Road in Petersburg National Battlefield

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Last updated on March 28, 2023
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