Petersburg National Battlefield | HORSEBACK RIDING

Typical horse trail at Petersburg National Battlefield

Typical horse trail at Petersburg National Battlefield

Horseback riding is allowed on many of the trails within the Eastern Front and Five Forks Battlefield units of Petersburg National Battlefield. On the trail maps, these are the Yellow trails. When on the actual trails, those that allow horses are marked with yellow blazes (paint splotches on trees). Also, those that do not allow horses usually have a NO HORSES sign at the start. There are no authorized horseback riding concessionaires, so you must have your own horse to ride at the battlefield.

Nearly all of the horseback riding trails are wide, gravel paths, many of them former dirt roads. They are mostly free of rocks and tree roots. If you would like to see photos of the typical terrain (in addition to the one at the top of this page), check out the Hiking and Biking Trails web page here on National Park Planner. I hiked many of the trails in the Eastern Front and Five Forks Battlefield units, and most were also the horse trails. For trail maps, see the Park Map web page.

Horse trailer parking is allowed in both units of the park. The Eastern Front horse trailer parking lot is near the Park Headquarters building on Hickory Hill Road. There are a lot of National Park Service driveways in this area, and many of them lead to parking lots. However, you want either the driveway with the sign at the entrance that reads PETERSBURG NATIONAL BATTLEFIELD HEADQUARTERS or the driveway with the sign that reads RANGER STATION. Do not turn into the driveway for TRAILHEAD PARKING PASSENGER VEHICLES ONLY. Whichever driveway you take, do not park in front of the buildings. Drive past them and follow the signs to the horse trailer parking area. If you turn into the Ranger Station, just keep driving until the road ends. If you turn into the Park Headquarters, take a right when the road ends at a T-intersection.

Horse trailer parking lot at the Eastern Front unit of Petersburg National Battlefield

Horse trailer parking lot at the Eastern Front unit of Petersburg National Battlefield

Along with the parking lot at the Eastern Front Unit are a couple of picnic tables and a fancy outhouse, which is what I call a portable toilet in a permanent building (OK, so it’s not really portable). There is also a mounting stand.

Picnic tables at the horse trailer parking lot for the Eastern Front unit of Petersburg National Battlefield

Picnic tables at the horse trailer parking lot for the Eastern Front unit of Petersburg National Battlefield

Fancy outhouse at the horse trailer parking lot for the Eastern Front unit of Petersburg National Battlefield

Fancy outhouse at the horse trailer parking lot for the Eastern Front unit of Petersburg National Battlefield

Mounting stand at the horse trailer parking lot for the Eastern Front unit of Petersburg National Battlefield

Mounting stand at the horse trailer parking lot for the Eastern Front unit of Petersburg National Battlefield

The horse trailer parking lot for the Five Forks Battlefield Unit is located on White Oak Road just east of the actual Five Forks intersection. The location is between Stops 2 and 3 on the Five Forks Battlefield Driving Tour. In addition to the parking area, there is a fancy outhouse and the trailhead for the Steuart Trail.

Horse trailer parking area on White Oak Road in the Five Forks Battlefield unit of Petersburg National Battlefield

Horse trailer parking area on White Oak Road in the Five Forks Battlefield unit of Petersburg National Battlefield

Restroom and Steuart Trail trailhead at the horse trailer parking lot on White Oak Road in the Five Forks Battlefield unit of Petersburg National Battlefield

Restroom and Steuart Trail trailhead at the horse trailer parking lot on White Oak Road in the Five Forks Battlefield unit of Petersburg National Battlefield

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Last updated on March 28, 2023
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