Petersburg National Battlefield | EASTERN FRONT UNIT

Confederate Battery 5 in the Eastern Front Unit of Petersburg National Battlefield

Confederate Battery 5 in the Eastern Front Unit of Petersburg National Battlefield

The Eastern Front unit of Petersburg National Battlefield consists of the area east of Petersburg where Union forces first attacked the Confederates on June 15, 1864, in an attempt to seize the city. After three days of fighting, Union general Ulysses S. Grant realized that a frontal assault against heavily defended Confederate fortifications was just going to end in a blood bath, so he decided to isolate the city by cutting off its supply lines to the south and west. To do so, the Union army gradually worked its way west, south of the city, capturing major roads and railroads along the way during nine months of fighting.

The Eastern Front unit is where you will find the main visitor center for Petersburg National Battlefield and the most developed battlefield tour. There are plenty of well-preserved Confederate and Union earthen forts, batteries, and trenches, as well as a picnic area and trails that are open to hikers, bikers, and horseback riders. For more information on each of these attractions, see the following web pages here on National Park Planner.

Eastern Front Visitor Center

Eastern Front Driving Tour

Eastern Front Trails

Picnic Area

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Last updated on March 29, 2023
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