Petersburg National Battlefield | BIRNEY TRAIL

Birney Trail Map

Birney Trail Map

See the Eastern Front Trails web page for a complete trail map.

Length:  .4 mile
Type:  Hikers, Bikers, and Horseback Riders
Difficulty: Moderate

The Birney Trail in the Eastern Front Unit of Petersburg National Battlefield runs between the Taylor’s Creek Trail (Intersection FF) and the Harrison Creek Trail (Intersection R). When hiking west from the Harrison Creek Trail, the Birney Trail immediately heads down a fairly steep hill to Harrison Creek, and once across, it heads straight back up. At the top is the intersection with the Encampment Trail (Intersection T).

Harrison Creek at Petersburg National Battlefield

Harrison Creek at Petersburg National Battlefield

The Birney Trail is a wide, gravel path, but because it runs downhill towards the creek, it has become a shoot for rainwater. As as result, the downhill slope is slightly washed out with a lot of small gullies and exposed tree roots. If you are on a bike, the ride is a little bumpy.

Typical terrain along the Birney Trail at Petersburg National Battlefield

Typical terrain along the Birney Trail at Petersburg National Battlefield

The hill out of the ravine is much steeper, though it is also much shorter. If on a bike, you may not be able to get up the hill because of irrigation ties across the trail. These are wooden beams (often railroad ties) that form steps, not to aid hikers when climbing up or downhill, but so that water hits them and diverts off the trail. The irrigation ties are really needed on both sides of the ravine, but at the time I did the hike they were only on the steeper slope.

The intersection with the Encampment Trail is four-way. Continue straight to remain on the Birney Trail.

Intersection of the Birney Trail and Encampment Trail at Petersburg National Battlefield

Intersection of the Birney Trail and Encampment Trail at Petersburg National Battlefield

The Birney Trail west of the Encampment Trail is quite flat. It dead ends into the Taylor’s Creek Trail near a field where Confederate Battery 12 once stood. Remnants of the earthworks can still be seen today.

Location of the Confederate Battery 12 at Petersburg National Battlefield

Location of the Confederate Battery 12 at Petersburg National Battlefield

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Last updated on March 27, 2023
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