The Smart View Recreation Area on the Blue Ridge Parkway has a large, wooded picnic area with tables, modern restrooms, and a pavilion. Grills are available, but not every table has one. Tables for disabled visitors are located next to the restrooms and are accessed via a paved path from the parking lot. All tables and the pavilion are taken on a first come, first served basis, so if you are planning a group outing, arrive early (no permit is required for group picnics).
Unlike most of the picnic areas along the Blue Ridge Parkway that are built on the side of a mountain, the Smart View Picnic Area is situated on fairly level terrain, making picnicking a pleasure, not a task. It is comprised of a large loop, and the tables located on the inside of the loop are easy to get to. There are some tables on the outside of the loop, but these tend to be on hills, so there’s no reason to use them unless the place is packed.
Tables are spread throughout various fields and are a short walk from common parking areas. While there is ample parking, all spaces are for automobiles. A large RV would have to parallel park along the curb, taking up a half dozen or more spaces, which on a busy day may cause a problem.
This is bear country, so be sure to dispose of your garbage. There are no trash cans at the tables, but there is a dumpster near the entrance. Furthermore, don’t leave your food sitting on the tables while you go off to hike the Smart View Loop Trail, a 3-mile trail that can be accessed at a number of places within the Smart View Recreation Area, including the picnic area.
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Last updated on December 13, 2023