Cumberland Island National Seashore | HICKORY HILL CAMPSITE

Hickory Hill Campsite on Cumberland Island (photo by National Park Service / Todd Tippin)

Hickory Hill Campsite on Cumberland Island (photo by National Park Service / Todd Tippin)

See the Backcountry Camping web page for information on campground rules and regulation and how to make reservations.

The Hickory Hill Campsite in Cumberland Island National Seashore is the closest backcountry campsite to Sea Camp at about 5.5 miles from the dock. The best way to get there is by hiking the Parallel Trail. The campsite is located off of this trail near the intersection with the Willow Pond Trail. Do not try to reach the campsite via the Willow Pond Trail from Grand Avenue (main park road) because it is often underwater and / or extremely muddy. I attempted to hike this trail to the beach and could only get a half mile before having to turn around. The intersection with the Parallel Trail comes after the muddy area.

A water source is located about .75 mile north on the Yankee Paradise Trail. This water must be treated. If you make it over to Plum Orchard Mansion, which is about three miles away, there is drinkable tap water available at an outdoor spigot on the right side of the mansion.

The beach is located a little over a mile to the east of the campground. Get there by hiking the Willow Pond Trail, but you do have to pass through more marshy area once you get near the coast. As I mentioned, I never got that far, so I can’t report on the trail’s condition.

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Last updated on July 19, 2024
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