Gulf Islands National Seashore (Florida) | WOODLAND NATURE TRAIL

Start of the Woodland Nature Trail at Fort Barrancas

Start of the Woodland Nature Trail at Fort Barrancas

NOTE: Pensacola Naval Air Station is now closed to the general public due to a shooting that took place on December 6, 2019. Only those with Department of Defense issued IDs can enter the base. The National Park Service does not know when, or even if, the general public will be allowed on the base. For the latest update, see the National Park Service’s Temporary Road and Facility Closures web page, or call the Fort Barrancas Visitor Center at (850) 455-5167. The Fort Barrancas area is still open to those who can get on the base.

Fort Barrancas Area main page

Length: .5-mile loop
Time: 15 minutes
Difficulty: Easy

The Woodland Nature Trail is a short loop that starts at the right side of the Fort Barrancas Visitor Center at Gulf Islands National Seashore. This is a typical nature trail with signage along the way that points out trees and other plants that live in the area.

Information signs about the trees and plants line the Woodland Nature Trail

Information signs about the trees and plants line the Woodland Nature Trail

The terrain is typical of the trails in the Florida unit of Gulf Islands National Seashore—sandy, smooth surface, mainly flat. The hike often passes through wooded areas, so there is no need for sunscreen and a hat. Anyone who can walk can make it around, but a few patches of deep, beach-like sand prevent those in wheelchairs from enjoying the trail.

Typical terrain of the Woodland Nature Trail at Fort Barrancas

Typical terrain of the Woodland Nature Trail at Fort Barrancas

The trail forks nearly from the beginning. This is just the start of the loop, and it makes no difference which way you go. The signs can be read in any order.

The neatest thing I found along the trail was a patch of lichen. They look soft, like cotton, but are actually quite firm. This is the same plant used for model railroad vegetation, though it must be processed and preserved before using it for railroad villages.

Patch of lichen along the Woodland Nature Trail at Fort Barrancas, Gulf Islands National Seashore

Patch of lichen along the Woodland Nature Trail at Fort Barrancas, Gulf Islands National Seashore

While not the most exciting trail, the Woodland Nature Trail is short and can make for a mild diversion if you have kids.

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Last updated on April 28, 2022
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