Civil War Defenses of Washington | FORT BUNKER HILL

Historical marker for Fort Bunker Hill

Historical marker for Fort Bunker Hill

See the Civil War Defenses of Washington Park Map web page for an interactive fort location map.


Fort Bunker Hill is a one-block park bounded by Perry Street, 14th Street, Otis Street, and 13th Street. The National Park Service information panel about the fort is at the corner of Perry and 14th.


A trail bisects the park starting at Perry and 14th streets. Once into the interior, there are a number of trails that branch off into various directions through the thick vegetation. The entire park is one big hill, so the trails tend to be steep. It is easy to get lost once inside, but the area is so small that you will come out at one of the side streets in no time.

I saw a few minor hills here and there that could be former fort walls, but nothing that stood out as a definite remnant of Fort Bunker Hill. With so many trails in this small area, if there was anything to find, I surely would have stumbled upon it. The National Park Service information panel usually states whether anything remains of the fort, but the Fort Bunker Hill panel is suspiciously blank on this matter.

Natural hill or earthwork?

Natural hill or earthwork?


Fort Bunker Hill was named after Bunker Hill in Boston, a fortification from the American Revolution. It was outfitted with thirteen guns and mortars and was garrisoned by the 11th Vermont Infantry Regiment.

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Last updated on April 25, 2020
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