Petersburg National Battlefield | PRINCE GEORGE COURTHOUSE TRAIL

Prince George Courthouse Trail Map

Prince George Courthouse Trail Map

See the Eastern Front Trails web page for a complete trail map.

  • Length: .5 mile
  • Type: Hikers and Bikers except for a short segment between intersections D and E that allows horseback riders to reach the Attack Road Trail
  • Difficulty: Easy

The Prince George Courthouse Trail is one of three trails that are accessible from the Confederate Battery 9 stop on the Eastern Front Driving Tour (Stop 3) of Petersburg National Battlefield. Parking at the other end of the trail is only accessible from within the Fort Gregg-Adams military base (formerly Fort Lee), so only military personel can park there (Intersection F).

Hiking trails at the Confederate Battery 9 stop on the Eastern Front Tour of Petersburg National Battlefield

Hiking trails at the Confederate Battery 9 stop on the Eastern Front Tour of Petersburg National Battlefield

The Prince George Courthouse Trail is an old dirt road. It is straight, flat, and easy to hike or bike.

Typical terrain of the Prince George Courthouse Trail at Petersburg National Battlefield

Typical terrain of the Prince George Courthouse Trail at Petersburg National Battlefield

If you do continue east of Intersection E to the parking lot at Fort Gregg-Adams, there is a wayside exhibit about the United States Military Road. This is the railroad Union general Ulysses S. Grant had built from his supply depot at City Point to the front lines of the Petersburg battlefield. As Union troops moved west, so did the railroad. By the end of the Siege of Petersburg in April 1865, the railroad was 22 miles long. When the war ended, the tracks were removed. Along with the wayside exhibit is a section of the type of tracks used.

Military Railroad exhibit at the end of the Prince George Courthouse Trail near Fort Gregg-Adams, Petersburg National Battlefield

Military Railroad exhibit at the end of the Prince George Courthouse Trail near Fort Gregg-Adams, Petersburg National Battlefield

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Last updated on March 27, 2023
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