View from the Red Stick village across the Tallapossa River towards the Cherokee position, Horseshoe Bend National Military Park
See the Horseshoe Bend Battlefield Tour home page for a tour map.
Stop 3 on the Horseshoe Bend National Battlefield Tour is located at the nadir of the “horseshoe” in the Tallapoosa River. The Red Sticks built their village of Tohopeka here with hopes that the river would keep anyone from attacking them from the rear. This strategy may well have worked had it not been for a group of Cherokee warriors who swam across the river and stole their canoes. With these vessels, the Cherokee where able to ferry their men across to Tohopeka and attack the village from the rear.
View from the Cherokee position across the Tallapossa River towards the Red Stick village, Horseshoe Bend National Military Park
The stealing of the canoes and the rear attack were not part of Andrew Jackson’s plans. He had placed the Cherokee and Lower Creek allies, along with soldiers under the command of General John Coffee, on the other side of the river for the simple purpose of keeping the Red Sticks from retreating. However, the surprise rear attack was a smashing success, and with the Red Sticks being overrun at the barricade as well, their defeat was inevitable.
The only exhibits at this stop are a few information panels. The site of Tohopeka is now covered with trees.
Site of the Red Stick village of Tohopeka at Stop 3 on the tour of Horseshoe Bend National Military Park
Stop 4: Tohopeka Village Overlook | Stop 2: The Barricade
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Last updated on March 21, 2023