Little River Canyon National Preserve | HIKING TRAILS

Moss and rocky terrain along the Martha's Falls Trail, Little River Canyon National Preserve

Moss and rocky terrain along the Martha’s Falls Trail, Little River Canyon National Preserve

Canyon Area Trails

Path to Learning Trail (.5 mile loop/easy)
Bridge Trail (1 mile Round Trip/easy)
Martha’s Falls Trail (1.5 mile RT/moderate)
Beaver Pond Trail (1.5 mile loop/easy)
Lower Two-Mile Trail (.2 mile RT/strenuous)
Eberhart Trail (1.5 mile RT/strenuous)
Powell Trail (1.5 mile RT/strenuous)
Canyon Mouth Trail (2 mile RT/moderate)

The Path to Learning Trail, the Bridge Trail, and the Martha’s Falls Trail are accessed from either the Visitor Center or from the parking area for Little River Falls, which is just down the road from the Visitor Center on Hwy 35. The rest of the trails are located along Little River Canyon Rim Drive.

Backcountry Trails

DeSoto Scout Trail (8 mile RT segment within the park)
YCC Trail (4-mile loop)

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Last updated on April 30, 2023
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