Biking is allowed on any paved road in Little River Canyon National Preserve, but not on any of the hiking trails. In the Canyon Area, this would entail biking on narrow, winding roads with no shoulder or bike lanes (Hwy 176 and Country Road 275). The National Park Service does not recommend biking on these roads, and neither do I.
Mountain biking is allowed on all of the backcountry roads in the Wildlife Management Area. While cars do travel these roads, speeds are slow and traffic is sparse. For photos of what the roads look like, see the Wildlife Management Area web page. There are 23 miles of dirt roads available for your biking adventure.
While I did not do any biking during my visit to the park, as a mountain biker I can give my opinion. If you live in the area or are visiting the park and have your bike with you, the roads offer a few thrills and good exercise (flat to hilly to mountainous). However, I wouldn’t travel from far away just for the biking—it’s not Canyonlands’ White Rim Road.
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Last updated on April 24, 2023