The third stop on a tour of the Massachusetts State House is a rotunda known as the Hall of Flags (aka Memorial Hall). It is perhaps the most beautiful of all rooms in the State House. Murals on the walls are of the Battle of Concord by Edward Simmons, the Mayflower Pilgrims by Henry Walker, and John Eliot preaching to the Algonquin Indians, also by Walker.
The Hall of Flags is where Massachusetts soldiers are honored. After a war, soldiers would return their regimental flags to the State House, a tradition started during the Civil War that lasted up through the Vietnam War. The historic flags were on display along the perimeter walls of the rotunda, but due to deterioration, all have been removed and are now stored in a climate controlled room in the basement. On display today are photographs of the original flags. When restoration and stabilization is completed, the original flags will be put back on display on a rotating basis. There are over 400 in the collection.
Like many rotundas, the Hall of Flags has a skylight. This one depicts the Massachusetts state seal in the middle with the seals of the other twelve original colonies encircling it.
Stop 4: Great Hall | Stop 2: Nurses Hall | State House Main Page
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Last updated on January 30, 2024