The tour of the Massachusetts State House continues to the rear of the building, passing the Grand Staircase in the next room and proceeding to the Great Hall located behind it. The staircase leads up to the third floor.
The Great Hall is a 1990 addition to the State House. The area was an outdoor courtyard created during the Charles Brigham additions of the early 1890s, so the space was always here. The idea to enclose the courtyard came from Kitty Dukakis, the wife of then governor Michael Dukakis. Today the room is used for state functions and receptions.
The flags hanging in the room are the flags of the 351 cities and towns in Massachusetts, all placed in chronological order of when they were founded. The very first flag is that of Plymouth, which was founded in 1620.
Stop 5: Grand Staircase | Stop 3: Hall of Flags | State House Main Page
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Last updated on January 30, 2024