Visitors can view the Horseshoe Bend Battlefield from a covered pavilion, Horseshoe Bend National Military Park
See the Horseshoe Bend Battlefield Tour home page for a tour map.
Before beginning a tour of the Horseshoe Bend National Battlefield, stop at the Battlefield Overlook, the general location where Andrew Jackson and his army first came onto the battlefield around 10 AM on the morning of March 27, 1814. From here you can see the battlefield exactly as Jackson saw it, minus the Indians of course. The white posts in the far distance mark the location of the Red Sticks’ barricade.
View of the Horseshoe Bend Battlefield from the Battlefield Overlook at Horseshoe Bend National Military Park
The Overlook is also the location of one of the Nature Trail’s trailheads. Starting from here sets you hiking in a clockwise direction on the trail.
Stop 1: The Island
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Last updated on March 21, 2023