Hampton National Historic Site | HAMPTON MANSION MASTER BEDROOM

Master Bedroom sitting area at Hampton Mansion, Hampton National Historic Site

Master Bedroom sitting area at Hampton Mansion, Hampton National Historic Site

Main Hampton Mansion Tour Page

The bedroom in the southwest corner of Hampton Mansion’s second floor is the master bedroom. It is furnished as it might have been at the turn of the 19th century when the second owners of the estate, Charles Carnan Ridgely and his wife Priscilla, lived in the house. Priscilla herself purchased the bed and curtains. In the 1930s, John Ridgely Jr, the sixth and final owner of Hampton, sold the bed in order to pay bills. In 1980 it went up for auction and the National Park Service was able to buy it back, supposedly at a six-figure cost.

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Last updated on April 16, 2024
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