Hampton National Historic Site | HAMPTON MANSION GUEST BEDROOM

Guest bedroom of the Hampton Mansion, Hampton National Historic Site

Guest bedroom of the Hampton Mansion, Hampton National Historic Site

Main Hampton Mansion Tour Page

The room in the northwest corner of Hampton Mansion’s second floor is a guest bedroom that is decorated as it might have been at the turn of the 20th century when John Ridgely II and his wife Helen, the fifth owners of the estate, lived in the house. The portrait over the fireplace is that of Helen. By this time the financial situation of the family was in steep decline. This is reflected in the room’s decor, which is quite sparse as compared to the other bedrooms.

Hampton Mansion Guest Bedroom furnishings, Hampton National Historic Site

Hampton Mansion Guest Bedroom furnishings, Hampton National Historic Site

John II was the son of Charles and Margaretta Ridgely. During the first thirty years of his time at Hampton, he took on the role of what his wife called a “gentleman farmer,” which meant he didn’t do anything. His father had died at an early age in 1872, leaving his mother a widow with plenty of years left in her. She continued to live in the house, and while John was legally the owner, it was Margaretta who ran the place until her death in 1904. Even after she died, it was Helen that kept things going, not John.

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Last updated on April 16, 2024
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