Paces Mill trailhead for the Rottenwood Creek Multi-Use Trail in Chattahoochee River National Recreation Area
Length: 3 miles round trip
Time: 1.5 hours on foot, 30 minutes on bike
Difficulty: Moderate
West Palisades Trail Map (PDF)
The Rottenwood Creek Multi-Use Trail is located within the Palisades Unit of Chattahoochee River National Recreation Area. It is a paved trail open to hikers, joggers, and bikers that runs from the Paces Mill parking lot to the boundary of the park near I-285. The trail starts off following the Chattahoochee River, then turns left just after passing under the I-75 bridge and follows Rottenwood Creek. The paved trail actually continues out of the park under the name of the Bob Callan Trail, and it connects with many other trails that form a network around the city. However, National Park Planner only reviews trails on park property, so this discussion ends where the Callan Trail begins.
The trail is mainly used by joggers, mothers with baby strollers, and people wanting to take a walk without getting their feet dirty on the earthen hiking trails. However, being paved and a favorite of mothers with strollers does not mean this trail is easy. While along the Chattahoochee River the trail is flat, but once it begins following Rottenwood Creek it starts to get hilly, particularly from around the one mile point until it ends. Grades average 8% to 9%, with some short sections hitting near 15%, which is where strenuous hiking begins (a grade of 5% is wheelchair accessible). This isn’t too bad for those walking, but for the casual biker this may mean getting off and pushing. There’s no shame in it, and I had to do this on two of the three hills on the way up.
Hill on the Rottenwood Creek Trail in the West Palisades unit of Chattahoochee River National Recreation Area
Hilly terrain of the Rottenwood Creek trail in the West Palisades unit of Chattahoochee River National Recreation Area
As the trail progresses, not only does it become hillier, but it also comes closer and closer in contact with urban development. On one side of the trail is Rottenwood Creek while on the other side is a busy city street. The trail passes residential areas and eventually ends at office buildings and overpasses for I-285 and Interstate North Parkway. Most of this begins around the one mile point on the trail.
Residential construction along the Rottenwood Creek trail in the West Palisades unit of Chattahoochee River National Recreation Area
The National Park portion of the trail ends soon after crossing a footbridge high above the picturesque Rottenwood Creek. A sign marks the end of park property. You can continue walking or biking the network of other paved trails through the city or head back to the parking lot.
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Last updated on May 22, 2024