There is no access to the Holcomb Bridge Unit of the Chattahoochee River National Recreation Area. However, directly across the river is a Roswell City Park, Garrard Landing, and this park has a boat ramp that is maintained by the National Park Service. Though there is a gravel driveway to the ramp, it is closed to vehicles, and thus closed to motorized boats launched from a trailer. You can, however, carry your kayak, canoe, or raft—and I assume motorboat if you are dead-set on launching it—down the driveway.
Be warned that this ramp is a mud-fest. I’m not sure if it is always this way, but I used this as a take out point for my river trip, and I was afraid to get out because I didn’t know how deep the mud was. I stuck my paddle in and it was a good foot deep. The mud came up to my mid-calf, and my sandals were nearly sucked off my feet as I tried to take a step. However, this is a great take-out point for an all day river trip from the Bowmans Island Unit, the northernmost unit of the Chattahoochee River National Recreation Area. It’s about a 23-mile trip, and it can be done in 8-10 hours by serious paddlers. By the way, when you are at the boat ramp and looking across the river you will see a waste water treatment plant. The actual Holcomb Bridge park unit is the land to the right.
Garrard Landing boat ramp is maintained by the National Park Service and is part of Chattahoochee River National Recreation Area
Garrard Landing has a kids’ playground, a nice picnic pavilion, a large field in which to play soccer or throw a Frisbee, and even a short trail that follows along the river.
The park is not on the Chattahoochee River National Recreation Area map, but you turn into the Johns Creek Water Treatment Plant and veer to the left to get to the park.
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Last updated on May 11, 2024