George Washington Memorial Parkway | NETHERLANDS CARILLON

Netherlands Carillon near Arlington Cemetery in Virginia

Netherlands Carillon near Arlington Cemetery in Virginia

The Netherlands Carillon was a gift to the United States from the Netherlands in appreciation for liberating the country from the Germans during World War II. It was dedicated on May 5, 1960. The carillon originally had 49 bells. A 50th bell was added in 1995 for the 50th anniversary of the liberation of the Netherlands. Three more bells were added during a 2022 renovation, bringing the current total to 53. The new bells were dedicated to General George C. Marshall, Eleanor Roosevelt, and Martin Luther King Jr.

The carillon is located north of Arlington Cemetery near the U. S. Marine Corp Memorial. There is no parking at the carillon, but limited parking is available along the road that circles the Marine Corps Memorial. It is a short walk between the two. An alternative is to take the metro to either the Arlington Cemetery or Rosslyn Metro station. I made the half-mile walk from the cemetery, which takes about 15 minutes. Ask any of the guards or cemetery personnel for directions. Both the Netherlands Carillon and the Marine Corps Memorial are managed by the National Park Service as sub units of the George Washington Memorial Parkway.

The Netherlands Carillon now plays daily automated music every 15 minutes from 10 AM to 6 PM. At 12 PM the music is a medley of United States armed forces anthems, and at 6 PM the Dutch and American national anthems play. There are also live concerts on select Saturdays from June through October, typically starting at 6 PM. See the National Park Service’s Netherlands Carillon Concerts web page for a schedule.

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Last updated on January 9, 2025
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