Colonial National Historical Park | SWAN TAVERN

Swan Tavern in the historical section of Yorktown, Virginia

Swan Tavern in the historical section of Yorktown, Virginia

See the Historical Buildings of Yorktown web page for a map of the historical area.

The Swan Tavern was opened in 1722 by Thomas “Scotch Tom” Nelson and Joseph Walker, and it soon became the main tavern in Yorktown. It remained in service until just before the Civil War. In 1862, the Union Army used the building to store gunpowder and ammunition. During a fire on December 16, 1863, the tavern exploded, destroying much of the west side of town. What you see today is a reconstruction done by the National Park Service in 1935 for the purpose of maintaining the historical atmosphere of Yorktown. The new building uses the foundation of the original.

Today the Swan Tavern is used as a rental property by the National Park Service. It is not open to the general public as a tourist house.

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Last updated on July 12, 2024
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