Padre Island National Seashore | FISHING AND HUNTING

Fishing at Padre Island National Seashore

Fishing at Padre Island National Seashore


With a few exceptions, fishing within Padre Island National Seashore is allowed anywhere from the shore along the Gulf of Mexico and the Laguna Madre (the only practical access points on the Laguna Madre for those on foot are at Bird Island Basin and Yarborough Pass). You can also fish from a boat in the Gulf or the lagoon. The only place you cannot fish is on the beach in front of the Malaquite Visitor Center.

No special fishing permit is required from the National Park Service, but you do need the appropriate Texas state fishing license, and all Texas fishing laws apply. See the Texas Parks and Wildlife website for details.

The National Park Service does have a few additional rules for fishing at Padre Island National Seashore.

  • No more than six fishing poles per person.
  • The use of seine nets, trot lines, and jug lines are prohibited.
  • A cast net (not exceeding 14 feet in diameter) or a dip net (not exceeding 3 feet in diameter) may be used to take non-game fish for bait purposes only.
  • Finger-sized mullet, anchovies, pinfish (pigg perch), croakers, menhaden, and other baitfish are permitted for use as bait.
  • Gigging is allowed for non-game and non-protected game fish (e.g. flounder, black drum, whiting, sheepshead). Submerged attracting lights or lights attached to the end of the spears are allowed.
Fishing on South Beach at Padre Island National Seashore

Fishing on South Beach at Padre Island National Seashore

I am not a fisherman, so unfortunately I cannot comment on how good the fishing is at Padre Island National Seashore. I can say that I saw people fishing all up and down North Beach and South Beach. One of the most popular spots was at the Mansfield Channel, the end of the line for South Beach. You can fish in the open waters of the Gulf of Mexico or in the channel itself. In contrast, fishing on the Laguna Madre is mainly done in a boat due to a lack of shore access points. There is a boat ramp for motorized boats at Bird Island Basin.

Fishing in the Mansfield Channel at the end of South Beach, Padre Island National Seashore

Fishing in the Mansfield Channel at the end of South Beach, Padre Island National Seashore


Waterfowl hunting by boat is allowed in the Laguna Madre (no hunting is allowed on the actual island). Texas state hunting laws apply.

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Last updated on February 28, 2022
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