Stones River National Battlefield | STONES RIVER LOOP TRAIL

Stones River

Stones River

Distance: .5 mile
Time: 20 minutes
Difficulty: easy to moderate, with hills leading to and from the river

A loop trail that takes you to the Stones River can be started at either the parking lot for Tour Stop 6 at Stones River National Battlefield or from a paved path on the other side of the Artillery Monument (you pass it coming in). Either way you will bring you back to where you started along the tour road. It makes most sense to leave from the parking area, for there is no place to park at the other trailhead. The only reason you would start on the paved path is if you combine this hike with the Artillery Trails (see that trail description for details). For the record, there is no official “Stones River Loop Trail.” This is a trail I figured out by exploring the area.

Trailhead at the Artillery Monument

Trailhead at the Artillery Monument

From the parking area, look for a gap in the wood rail fence and follow the path down to Stones River. This gap is located towards the left side of the parking lot.

Trailhead at the parking lot

Trailhead at the parking lot

When you get down to the river you will have an excellent perspective of what Confederate soldiers were looking at when they were fired upon by the Union artillery above.

View from the river towards the Union artillery placement

View from the river towards the Union artillery placement

Once at the river, follow the trail that runs to the right along the river bank. When you pass over some sort of stone waterway, be on the lookout for a narrow trail that cuts across the field to your right. You may be able to see two information panels at the far side of the field. This cut-through trail is before you come to the modern bridge that spans the river (if you get to the bridge you are most likely Lewis-and Clarking-It™ through rough terrain and mud).

Stone waterway

Stone waterway

Trail cuts from the river to a paved path near the Greenway (view is from the Greenway)

Trail cuts from the river to paved path near the Greenway (view is from the Greenway)

Once at the information panels you will be where the National Park property ends and the Stones River Greenway (a hiking and biking path) begins. If looking at the panels, go to your left to continue the hike. This will take you to the park road via the paved path near the Artillery Monument. Turn right to get back to the parking lot. You will pass the McFadden Family Cemetery, so if you haven’t seen, take a few minutes to stop in.

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Last updated on March 10, 2020
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