Stones River National Battlefield | ARTILLERY MONUMENT

Artillery Monument at the McFadden Farm tour stop

Artillery Monument at the McFadden Farm tour stop

As  you approach the McFadden Farm parking area at Stones River National Battlefield, you will pass one of the few monuments in the park, the Artillery Monument. This was erected in 1906 by the Nashville, Chattanooga & St. Louis Railroad, which owned the McFadden Farm property at the time. The railroad advertised itself as a way to see the Civil War battlefields. The monument stands 34 feet tall and could be seen from any trains passing the area.

A plaque on the monument reads:

On January 2nd at 3:00 PM there were stationed on this hill fifty-eight cannon commanding the field across the river, and as the Confederates advanced over this field, the shot and shell from these guns resulted in a loss of eighteen-hundred killed and wounded in less than an hour.

Battlefields such as Gettysburg, Vicksburg, and Chickamauga have hundreds of monuments, yet there are very few at the Stones River battlefield. This is mainly because these aforementioned battlefields were made into parks in the late 1800s and very early 1900s when many veterans were still alive and had a lot of political clout. The Stones River battlefield did not become a park until 1927.

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Last updated on March 9, 2020
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