Ninety Six National Historic Site | FISHING

Star Fort Pond at Ninety Six National Historic Site

Star Fort Pond at Ninety Six National Historic Site

Fishing at Ninety Six National Historic Site is allowed at the Star Fort Pond on Wednesdays, Fridays, and Saturdays from April 1st to November 1st any time from 30 minutes before sunrise and 30 minutes after sunset. Those 16 and older must have a valid South Carolina fishing license. No special permit is required from the National Park Service. Before making concrete plans, get the current dates and hours on the National Park Service’s official Operating Hours and Seasons web page for the park.

Fishing at the Star Fort Pond

Fishing at the Star Fort Pond

You can access the pond by car from Highway 246. There is a large parking area on Kinard Road with plenty of room for vehicles with trailers. A portable toilet is also available.


Hand-paddled boats and those with electric motors are permitted on the pond. A ramp suitable for launching small boats is located a short distance down a dirt road that branches off from the parking area.

Dirt road to the boat ramp at the Star Fort Pond

Dirt road to the boat ramp at the Star Fort Pond

Boat ramp at the Star Fort Pond at Ninety Six National Historic Site

Boat ramp at the Star Fort Pond at Ninety Six National Historic Site

Those without a boat can either fish from the dock or find a spot anywhere along the shore by hiking around the pond on the Fisherman’s Trail.

View of Star Fort Pond from the fishing dock

View of Star Fort Pond from the fishing dock

I am not a fisherman, so I cannot vouch for the quality of fishing at the pond. I suggest calling the park and speaking to a Ranger for more information.

Star Fort Pond fishing regulations

Star Fort Pond fishing regulations

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Last updated on October 15, 2019
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