Horseback riding is allowed within Gettysburg National Military Park on the designated Bridle Trail from sunrise until sunset (see map at the bottom of this page). You can ride your own horse or use a commercial service authorized to lead trail rides within the park. Though written has a hiking trail review, the Bridle Trail Loop Hike web page here on National Park Planner has detailed information and dozens of photos of the Bridle Trail.
If you have your own horse and trailer, the only place to park is at the McMillan Woods parking lot on West Confederate Avenue. This is located just north of the North Carolina Memorial stop on the Gettysburg Battlefield Tour (Stop 4). The parking lot fills up fast because the commercial outfits use it as well.
From the National Park Service website:
- Operators of horse (draft animal) drawn vehicles will conform to the Pennsylvania motor vehicle code, Title 75 sections 3103 (Traffic Regulation applicable), Section 4303(e) (Lighting Requirements) and section 4529 (Slow Moving Vehicle emblem required). All such vehicles shall utilize manure catchers as part of the tack.
- Horse trail riding prohibited after sunset.
- Horses may only be secured by tying them to a hitching rack, a horse trailer or by cross tying them between two trees so they cannot damage the trees by foraging on the bark or branches.
- Horses must be attended at all times to prevent third party injuries. Groups of riders must maintain a single file line. Jumping of stone walls, fences or other structures, racing or riding at excessive speeds is prohibited.
- Pedestrians also use the bridle trail. Pedestrians have the right of way. Please keep horses at a slow walk while passing pedestrians. Do not obstruct the trail or make unreasonable noise while passing other horses.
- Horses and pack animals shall not be watered at the water spigot in the McMillan Woods Campground. Water may be carried in pails to the animals.
- The horse trailer parking area and roadways in McMillan Woods Campground must be kept free of manure. All horse or pack animal excrement in this area must be collected and carried out by the animal’s owner or rider. Horses are not permitted on any area of the actual campground or any campsite.
- Engaging in commercial trail riding activities in Gettysburg National Military Park without a permit is prohibited.
- A permit is required for groups with 15 or more horses.
With a few exceptions, use of any photograph on the National Park Planner website requires a paid Royalty Free Editorial Use License or Commercial Use License. See the Photo Usage page for details.
Last updated on September 5, 2022