Visitors can tour the Guilford Courthouse National Military Park battlefield via a 2.25-mile road that leads to eight important stops on the battlefield. Each stop has its own parking lot, and Stop 6 has a restroom. It takes about an hour to complete the tour. The tour road is open to vehicles daily from 8:30 AM to 5 PM, except when closed on Thanksgiving, Christmas, and New Year’s Day. Hours can always change, so before making travel plans be sure to get the latest Operating Hours on the National Park Service’s Guildford Courthouse National Military Park website.
Aside from one monument, there is nothing to see between tour stops, so hiking or biking the tour road is a waste of time for those interested in the battle. You will, however, see many local people out hiking and biking the road for exercise, for the park is a popular destination with the Greensboro residents. In fact, there are many more people out for exercise than there are at the park to see the battlefield. As a park Ranger said, if you ask 100 people walking around the park what took place here, it’s doubtful 20 could tell you. The tour road is open to hikers and bikers from dawn to dusk.
There are 28 monuments in the park, but you cannot see all of them from the tour road. Some, like the Nathaniel Greene monument, require a short walk from the parking lot. Others can only be seen along the hiking trails. In my opinion, the Guildford Courthouse Battlefield is best seen on foot, but I understand that not everyone can walk very far. A hike around the battlefield is about three miles and takes roughly two hours of time. See the Hike the Battlefield web page for details.
I suggest stopping at the Visitor Center and watching the park film, seeing the animated map program, and visiting the museum before heading out to the battlefield so that you have a general understanding of what took place. The Visitor Center activities are a must if you want to get the most out of your tour.
For a virtual tour of the Guilford Courthouse Battlefield, National Park Planner has created a web page for each tour stop with a description and photos of what you will see. You can use the menu below to jump to a particular tour stop. Once on the stop web page, a menu at the bottom of the page allows you to navigate to the next or previous tour stop.
Tour Stop 1: American First Line
Tour Stop 2: The Fragmented Attack
Tour Stop 3: Sustained Firefight
Tour Stop 4: The Expanding Battle
Tour Stop 5: Battlefield Preservation
Tour Stop 6: Guilford Courthouse and the Third Line
Tour Stop 7: The British Soldier
Tour Stop 8: Nathanael Greene Monument
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Last updated on January 23, 2022