Blue Ridge Parkway | THUNDER HILL OVERLOOK (MP 290.4)

Thunder Hill Overlook on the Blue Ridge Parkway

Thunder Hill Overlook on the Blue Ridge Parkway

View: ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ / 5
Trails: None
Picnic Tables: None

Thunder Hill Overlook is just down the road from the Yadkin Valley Overlook on the Blue Ridge Parkway. Both face east and cover the same territory. While I like the Yadkin Valley Overlook, I like the view from Thunder Hill Overlook even better. Here you get a nearly 180° panoramic view, and since the front of the overlook drops off a steep hill, the brush and trees in the forefront are barely noticeable. Supposedly this is the most popular stop on the Parkway to see the sunrise, and that’s certainly a believable claim. However, other than for a sunrise, you don’t want to be here in the early morning when trying to get a photo because you will be looking right into the sun. Visit this stop in the later afternoon or evening for a better non-sunrise photograph.

Panoramic view from Thunder Hill Overlook on the Blue Ridge Parkway (click to enlarge)

Panoramic view from Thunder Hill Overlook on the Blue Ridge Parkway (click to enlarge)

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Last updated on December 17, 2023
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