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Trails: None
Picnic Tables: None
The Roanoke Valley Overlook on the Blue Ridge Parkway is the second of three overlooks within a mile of each other, all facing in the same direction. If it weren’t for the trees blocking most of the views, you’d see the exact same thing at each stop. However, with the trees in the way, each stop lets you see a different sliver of the overall picture.
Here at the Roanoke Valley Overlook, the entire middle section of the overlook is blocked, but you can still see 1,100 feet down into the valley at either end of the parking lot. From the left side, the window of view is quite nice as it looks down onto the countryside (above photo). The right side is a view of a town, but I have no idea which one. The closest town is Cave Spring, so this may be some of its farthest outskirts.
A more urban view of Roanoke Valley is seen from the right side of the parking area at the Roanoke Overlook on the Blue Ridge Parkway
However, the best view of Roanoke Valley is not from any of the overlooks on this stretch of the Blue Ridge Parkway, but from the bridge just south of this overlook. From the parking area, walk back to the Parkway and turn right. You don’t have to go very far over the bridge to get a great photo.
Panoramic view of Roanoke Valley taken from a bridge near the Roanoke Valley Overlook on the Blue Ridge Parkway
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Last updated on December 7, 2023