View: ♦ ♦ ♦ / 5
Trails: Mountains to Sea Trail
Picnic Tables: None
The Raven Rocks Overlook on the Blue Ridge Parkway is split in half by two large trees near the parking area. On the north end is a large rock ledge that you can stand on, but in truth, the view is the same from the parking lot. I assume this is the Raven Rock. Other than that, there’s nothing particularly interesting about the view, which mainly consists of mountains with lots of houses built on them.
A stop at Raven Rocks Overlook is certainly not warranted unless you plan to hike the Mountains to Sea Trail, which comes through here. This trail runs 1,150 miles from Great Smoky Mountains National Park to the North Carolina Outer Banks. It is not part of the National Park, so I did not hike or review it, but you can get information on the Friends of the Mountains to Sea Trail website.
For those driving north, there is an excellent pastoral view between the Raven Rocks Overlook and Boone’s Trace. There is nowhere to stop to take a photo, but luckily nobody was behind me and I was able to stop on the Blue Ridge Parkway for a moment to get the shot.
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Last updated on October 12, 2024