View: ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ / 5
Trails: Mountains to Sea Trail, Shut-In Trail
Picnic Tables: None
If you are heading north on the Blue Ridge Parkway, the Mills River Valley Overlook starts off a series of seven scenic overlooks all within four miles of each other. This and the next two, Hominy Valley View and Big Ridge Overlook, offer nice views, but after that trees and brush ruin the vistas of the remaining four overlooks. Mills River Valley Overlook is unique in that you can get a nice view from both sides of the Parkway.
Hikers can access the Mountains to Sea / Shut-In Trail from here. Trailheads are located on either side of the parking lot, though the one on the left is not marked with an identification sign.
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Last updated on November 27, 2023