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Trails: Mountains to Sea Trail
Picnic Tables: None
The Devils Garden Overlook on the Blue Ridge Parkway is similar to the Bullhead Mountain Overlook two stops to the north in that two mountains in the foreground form a narrow, valley-like window that allows you to see the mountains beyond. In either case, the view is somewhat of a bore unless the leaves are changing color.
The Devils Garden Overlook also serves as parking for the Mountains to Sea Trail. One trailhead is in the woods on the north side of the parking lot, but it is very hard to spot. The other trailhead is across the Blue Ridge Parkway from the south end of the parking lot. The Mountains to Sea Trail is a 1,150-mile trail that stretches from Great Smoky Mountains National Park to the North Carolina Outer Banks on the Atlantic Ocean. It is not part of the National Park system, so I did not hike or review it, but you can get information about it on the Friends of the Mountains to Sea Trail website.
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Last updated on November 12, 2023