View: ♦ ♦ ♦ / 5
Trails: None
Picnic Tables: two picnic tables (no grills), one at each parking area
Courthouse Valley Overlook is reached by taking a short side road off of the Blue Ridge Parkway. There are two large parking areas separated by a small strip of land. The view at the southern parking lot is completely overgrown, but the northern lot, where the identification sign is located, has the potential to be an excellent overlook. Here you are peering into a valley between the mountains, not at mountains running parallel to the viewing area, which gives the scene depth (of course, fall colors would make it all the more spectacular). Unfortunately, the vista is marred by a half dozen or so pine trees that could easily be cut down. As is, you must take in the scene segment by segment, catching glimpses of the grandeur between the different clumps of tall trees.
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Last updated on November 10, 2023