Blue Ridge Parkway | BOBLETTS GAP OVERLOOK (MP 93.1)

Bobletts Gap Overlook on the Blue Ridge Parkway

Bobletts Gap Overlook on the Blue Ridge Parkway

View: ♦ / 5
Trails: Appalachian Trail
Picnic Tables: 1 (no grill)

The overlook at Bobletts Gap on the Blue Ridge Parkway is completely overgrown except for a small area to the right of the overlook identification sign. There is a large mountain in the foreground, and beyond that a valley. This is certainly not worth stopping for.

View from Bobletts Gap Overlook on the Blue Ridge Parkway

View from Bobletts Gap Overlook on the Blue Ridge Parkway

However, a stop at Bobletts Gap may still be worthwhile if you are interested in cemeteries. Seven members of the Boblett family are buried on a hill in the middle of the parking area. The cemetery is fenced in and a tree stands in the middle. However, all headstones have been removed, so there’s really not much to see other than a few depressions in the ground that mark the sites of graves. A sign once listed the names of the people buried here, but that is now missing as well. The Bobletts were farmers who owned the land but eventually moved to Buchanan. The cemetery and the buried family members were left behind.

Boblett Family cemetery is located along the Blue Ridge Parkway

Boblett Family cemetery is located along the Blue Ridge Parkway

Boblett Cemetery on the Blue Ridge Parkway

Boblett Cemetery on the Blue Ridge Parkway

Another reason to stop at Bobletts Gap is to access the Appalachian Trail. There is a connector trail behind the picnic table on the right side of the parking area that leads to a dirt road—the AT at this point. Take a right to hike north and a left to hike south. The southbound path goes under the Blue Ridge Parkway, but the AT turns off from this prior to the bridge, thus remaining on the same side of the Parkway as the Bobletts Gap Overlook parking lot. Likewise, the northbound AT diverges from the dirt road just a few hundred yards from the connector trail intersection.

Southbound dirt road near the Bobletts Gape Overlook passes under the Blue Ridge Parkway

Southbound dirt road near the Bobletts Gape Overlook passes under the Blue Ridge Parkway

Be aware that Bobletts Gap Overlook does not have a pull through parking lot where you can enter at one end and exit at the other. To leave, you must back out of your parking space and turn around, thus it is not advisable to visit if you are driving a large RV or pulling a trailer.

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Last updated on November 7, 2023
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