View: None
Trails: Round Meadow Creek Loop Trail
Picnic Tables: None
I don’t know what the view at the Round Meadow Overlook on the Blue Ridge Parkway is supposed to be, but it’s certainly not a meadow. In fact, there’s nothing to see from the parking area other than trees. The only potential opportunity to see something worthwhile would be on the Round Meadow Creek Loop Trail, and unfortunately that’s a disappointment as well.
Round Meadow Creek Loop Trail
Length: .5 mile loop
Time: 20 minutes
Difficulty: easy to moderate
The sign in the parking area does not identify this trail but instead simply states there is a 20-minute loop trail awaiting you. Only after researching this overlook did I learn that the trail is called the Round Meadow Creek Loop Trail.
The hike starts off downhill, ending at Round Meadow Creek. Take a left and walk along the creek until you come to a sign directing you to take another left, this time back up the hill to the parking lot. The climb is not strenuous, but it is a climb nevertheless. The creek isn’t even remotely picturesque, so other than getting exercise, there’s really no point in hiking the trail. This is one of the many “leg stretchers” found at various stops along the Blue Ridge Parkway. I know many people like to hike for the sake of hiking, and I have no problem with that, but the point of trails along the Parkway is—in most cases—to take you to a scenic view. Most of these leg stretchers fail to deliver.
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Last updated on December 11, 2023