Blue Ridge Parkway | DRIPPING ROCK PARKING AREA (MP 9.6)

Dripping Rock Parking Area, trailhead for the Appalachian Trail

Dripping Rock Parking Area on the Blue Ridge Parkway

View: None
Trails: Appalachian Trail
Picnic Tables: None

The Dripping Rock Parking Area on the Blue Ridge Parkway holds about four passenger vehicles and serves as parking for the Appalachian Trail, which crosses the road at this location. Look into the woods for a trail marked by a white blaze (paint splotch on a tree). This is the northbound AT. If you want to hike south, look across the road and slightly uphill from the parking area for another white blaze. This is the southern entrance onto the trail.

The name Dripping Rock comes from a spring that was once used by Indians. Look for what appears to be a puddle next to a rock located at the center of the parking area. You are welcome to collect the water, but a sign warns that you must boil it before drinking it.

Dripping Rock Spring located at mile post 9.6 on the Blue Ridge Parkway

Dripping Rock Spring located at mile post 9.6 on the Blue Ridge Parkway

The area surrounding Dripping Rock Spring is half forest, half meadow, and is very colorful when the leaves change color in the fall.

Field near the Dripping Rock Parking Area on the Blue Ridge Parkway

Field near the Dripping Rock Parking Area on the Blue Ridge Parkway

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Last updated on November 13, 2023
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