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Trails: Chestoa View Trail
Picnic Tables: 3 (no grills)
There are no views from the actual Chestoa View parking lot on the Blue Ridge Parkway, but short hikes lead to two scenic overlooks, each giving a slightly different take on the mountains and valley before you. No matter which overlook you plan to visit, you need to cut through the forest that lies directly in front of the parking lot and make your way to a paved path about 100 yards on the other side of the woods. There are a number of trails that you can take from the parking area, but once you get to the paved path, take a right regardless of where you come out.
Once on the paved path, it’s just a couple minutes’ walk to the first overlook. When you see the Chestoa View Trail sign, instead of proceeding farther, look to your left for a stone staircase that leads downhill. This will end at an observation platform. The view here is of mountains—nothing particular interesting unless the leaves are changing color—but you have a fairly wide and clear vista. If you want another view, you’ll have to hike on the Chestoa View Trail.
Panoramic view of the mountains from the first overlook at the Chestoa View stop on the Blue Ridge Parkway (click to enlarge)
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Last updated on November 10, 2023