There are three tours available at Statue of Liberty National Monument, one on Liberty Island and two on Ellis Island. See the following web pages for more information:
Ellis Island National Museum of Immigration Tour
Hard Hat Tour of Ellis Island Hospital Complex
In addition to guided tours, all visitors have access to an Acoustiguide audio tour device for both Liberty and Ellis Island. This is a hand-held electronic device that you can listen to as you wander around the park (pick up and return the device at a booth on each island). When you see an exhibit with a number on it, punch in that number and listen to a narration that pertains to what you are looking at. If you do get an Acoustiguide, I highly recommend that you bring your own corded earphones so you don’t have to hold the device to your ear like a telephone. Doing this hinders you from taking photos, not to mention that it’s tough bending your elbow for long periods of time…at least when you are old. Acoustiguides are available in Arabic, English, French, German, Italian, Japanese, Mandarin, Russian, and Spanish. There are also audio tours designed for children ages six to ten that are available in English, French, German, Italian, and Spanish.
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Last updated on November 19, 2021