A paved, multi-use path (MUP) runs from the entrance of the Sandy Hook Unit of Gateway National Recreation Area at Highway 36 all the way to Parking Lot M, a distance of approximately 6 miles. The path is open to pedestrians, bikers (including those on Class 1 and 2 E-bikes), and skaters. You are also welcome to ride your bike on the main park road, but it is narrow with no road shoulder and packed with cars on a busy summer day, some with drunks behind the wheel. If your life isn’t worth more than a bike ride, stick to the road, otherwise do the sensible thing and use the path. Bikes are not allowed on any of the hiking trails.
Download the Sandy Hook Biking Map (PDF).
The MUP is scenic, and a bike ride along it is very relaxing. In fact, it’s the only paved bike path that I was actually looking forward to riding on. It’s not completely flat, but any hills are very mild.
Up until you reach Fort Hancock, there’s only one road through the park. However, once at the fort there are roads all over the place, and a bike is a great way to get around. Any cars on the roads are going very slowly as the drivers search for a parking spot, so it’s a fairly safe place to ride. My recommendation is to stick to the MUP until you get to Fort Hancock, then take whatever road you need in order to get to your destination.
If you don’t have a bike, you can rent one from Saho Bike Rentals located near the Fort Hancock ferry dock on Fridays, Saturdays, and Sundays during the summer tourist season. The rental stand may be closed if the weather is bad. For operating hours and prices, see the Saho Bike Rentals web page.
Anyone under 17 years of age must wear a bicycle helmet per New Jersey state law. This includes skaters and skateboarders as well.
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Last updated on December 5, 2024