Fire Island National Seashore | SAILORS HAVEN

Beach at Sailors Haven, part of Fire Island National Seashore

Beach at Sailors Haven, part of Fire Island National Seashore

Sailors Haven is located near the center of Fire Island National Seashore and is most easily reached by private boat or ferry. The only option for those terrified of the water is a 7-mile walk from the Fire Island Lighthouse near Robert Moses State Park. The ferry and the Sailors Haven Marina both operate from mid-May through mid-October, which works out fine since the beach is really the only reason to visit. If for some reason you want to stop by during the off-season, you can take the ferry to Cherry Grove and walk about a mile. Cherry Grove is a residential community, so the ferry runs year-round.

For those who do not want to lug a cooler and food with them, the Sailors Haven Marina has a cafe with plenty of patio seating, plus there’s a picnic area near the ferry dock. Another option is to walk a mile down the beach to the restaurants, bars, and shops at Cherry Grove.

See the following web pages for more information on Sailors Haven:

Sailors Haven Beaches

Sailors Haven Ferry

Sailors Haven Marina

Sailors Haven Visitor Center

Sunken Forest Nature Trail

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Last updated on October 4, 2024
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