Fire Island National Seashore | BOATING

Watch Hill Marina, Fire Island National Seashore

Watch Hill Marina, Fire Island National Seashore

Motorboats, sailboats, and all hand-paddled watercraft are welcome in the waters of Fire Island National Seashore. Personal Watercraft (e.g. Jet Skiis), on the other hand, are not allowed except in the waters bordering the private communities on Fire Island.

The two major destinations for boaters within Fire Island National Seashore are Sailors Haven and Watch Hill. Both have marinas that are open to day trippers and overnight guests who may stay up to 14 consecutive days. The Sailors Haven Marina has 45 slips and the Watch Hill Marina has 175. Both offer electric and non-electric sites. The marinas usually fill up by Friday night on summer weekends, but boaters are always welcome to anchor offshore at no charge.

Boats anchored off shore at Sailors Haven, part of Fire Island National Seashore

Boats anchored off shore at Sailors Haven, part of Fire Island National Seashore

Barrett Beach is another destination at Fire Island National Seashore that is popular with boaters. There is a dock for loading and unloading, but boats must ultimately be anchored offshore.

There are also private and state-run marinas at Davis Park Marina and Smith Point County Park.

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Last updated on October 1, 2024
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