Saint-Gaudens National Historical Park | HIKING TRAILS

Saint-Gaudens National Historical Park trail map (click to enlarge)

Saint-Gaudens National Historical Park trail map (click to enlarge)

There are three hiking trails within Saint-Gaudens National Historical Park, all of which were created during the time that Augustus Saint-Gaudens and his family lived in Cornish. Saint-Gaudens loved outdoor recreation and hiked these trails often.

The Ravine Trail is a short, U-shaped trail that leads down to a dam and swimming hole frequented by Saint-Gaudens. The Blow-Me-Down Trail is a semi-loop that connects to Blow-Me-Down Pond. The third trail, the Sycamore Trail, is a short side trail that branches off of the Blow-Me-Down Trail and ends at Blow-Me-Down Brook.

See the following web pages for detailed information about each hike:

Ravine Trail

Blow-Me-Down and Sycamore Trails

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Last updated on June 16, 2020
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