Vicksburg National Military Park | HOVEY’S APPROACH

Union soldier's view of Confederate Fort Garrott

Union soldier’s view of Confederate Fort Garrott


The Hovey’s Approach stop on the Vicksburg National Military Park tour is the Union counterpoint to the Confederate’s Fort Garrott, the previous stop on the tour. At Fort Garrott you were able to look out at the Union lines. Well, here is what you were looking at, and you now have the Union’s point-of-view. The eroded terrain in between makes it seem like the two armies were on opposite sides of a canyon.

This section of the Union line was commanded by General Alvin Hovey. Hovey arrived too late to participate in the May 22, 1863, attack on Confederate positions, so his time during the siege was spent digging trenches towards Fort Garrott. At the time of the Confederate surrender, the trenches were within 50 feet of the fort. Markers on the field denote Union trench positions.

Markers indicate Union trench positions near Fort Garrott, Vicksburg National Military Park

Markers indicate Union trench positions near Fort Garrott, Vicksburg National Military Park

Hovey Monument at Vicksburg National Military Park

Hovey Monument at Vicksburg National Military Park

Tour Stop 15 is the last stop on the Vicksburg Battlefield Tour. As you leave the battlefield and head back towards the Visitor Center, there is one last state memorial that you will pass, the Iowa Memorial.

Iowa State Memorial at Vicksburg National Military Park

Iowa State Memorial at Vicksburg National Military Park

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Last updated on January 19, 2022
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