Minute Man National Historical Park | NOAH BROOKS HOUSE AND TAVERN

Noah Brooks House and tavern at Minute Man National Historical Park

Noah Brooks House and tavern at Minute Man National Historical Park

Historical Homes Main Page

The Noah Brooks House and Tavern is located in the Battle Road Unit of Minute Man National Historical Park in an area known as Brooks Village. There are three other Brooks-family houses within a quarter mile. For those in a vehicle, park in the Brooks Village parking lot on Route 2A (North Great Road). The Samuel Brooks House is right next to the parking lot. The Job Brooks House is a tenth of a mile away and on the same side of the street. The Noah Brooks House and Tavern and the Joshua Brooks House are on the opposite side of the very busy North Great Road, and there is very little shoulder area to stand on.

If hiking or biking the Battle Road Trail, you will arrive at the back side of both the Samuel and Job Brooks houses. Samuel’s house can be reached via a path that connects the parking lot and the trail. Due to the possibility of picking up a tick, you’ll want to stay out of the tall grass as much as possible. Therefore, instead of traipsing through the grass to reach the Job Brooks house next door, I suggest taking the path out to North Great Road and then visiting all of the Brooks houses from there. None of them are open to the public on a regular basis, but you are welcome to stop and see them and walk on the property grounds.

While the Noah Brooks House and Tavern is part of Minute Man National Historical Park, it did not exist when the Battles of Lexington and Concord took place on April 19, 1775. Noah Brooks built the house around 1810. Because it was situated right along Battle Road—then called Bay Road or Concord Road among other names—and accessible to many potential customers, Brooks decided to open a tavern. The house is therefore often referred to simply as the Noah Brooks Tavern.

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Last updated on September 5, 2023
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