Cape Cod National Seashore | RANGER PROGRAMS

Ranger-led canoe trip on Salt Pond at Cape Cod National Seashore

Ranger-led canoe trip on Salt Pond at Cape Cod National Seashore

Park Rangers and volunteers at Cape Cod National Seashore lead historic home tours, hikes, lectures, canoe and kayak trips, and other activities from April through October, with the bulk of the programs taking place in July and August. Exact schedules come out a month in advance and are posted on the National Park Service’s Calendar web pages for the park and are published in a free newspaper that is available at the Salt Pond and Province Lands visitor centers. Because of this, it is hard to plan a summer trip many months in advance.

I attended the following Ranger programs and have provided detailed reviews of them:

Canoe Trip on Salt Pond

Ranger-led Canoe Trips

Tour of the Captain Penniman House

Tour of the Atwood-Higgins House

Tour of the Three Sisters Lighthouses

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Last updated on March 4, 2024
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