A causeway connects Mount Desert Island to the mainland at the town of Trenton. In between the two is another island that the road passes through, Thompson Island. Here you will find the first visitor information center for Acadia National Park, restrooms, and a large picnic area. When heading south, the Visitor Center is located on the right side of the road and the picnic area is on the left side.
The Thompson Island Visitor Center is run jointly by the National Park Service and the Acadia Chamber of Commerce, so not only can you pick up a park brochure, there is also an entire rack of brochures on all activities in the area, including menus from many of the restaurants on Mount Desert Island. You can also purchase an Acadia National Park entrance pass. There are no exhibits inside, just information. Hours are typically 8 AM to 4 PM daily from mid-May through Columbus Day. Times can always change, so before making travel plans be sure to visit the official National Park Service Operating Hours and Seasons web page for Acadia National Park.
I highly advise making Thompson Island Visitor Center your first stop because you pass right by it on the way to the heart of Acadia National Park, and most people do not stop here. Instead, everyone makes a beeline for the Hulls Cove Visitor Center, and that place is so packed that you’ll be standing in line just to get a brochure and talk with a Ranger. At Thompson Island, you can get plenty of personal attention and the same information and entrance pass that you can get at Hulls Cove, but without the wait. The only thing Hulls Cove has to offer that Thompson Island doesn’t is a book store where you can purchase travel guides and detailed hiking maps.
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Last updated on September 2, 2023