The Fabbri Picnic Area at Acadia National Park is located on the Otter Cliff peninsula on Mount Desert Island. It can be accessed via Otter Cliff Road or directly from the Park Loop Road on the west side of the peninsula. The picnic area consists of a common parking lot that holds approximately two dozen vehicles, a modern restroom facility, and two dozen tables, most all of which have their own grill. The facility is open year-round.
All tables are located on the opposite side of the parking lot from the restroom. There are eight or so tables right next to the parking lot, including one for disabled visitors. These tables get the most action, but there is a trail that leads back into the woods to more secluded tables.
There is one grouping of four tables and one grill that may be of interest to those wanting to host a small event, but the rest of the tables are singles and spread out over the entire picnic area. Furthermore, the tables are mounted into the ground, so there is no way to rearrange them. While I don’t consider the Fabbri Picnic Area to be a good place to hold a family reunion or other event, it is possible to do so. However, all picnic areas at Acadia National Park are open to visitors on a first come, first served basis. Groups of 30 or more need a permit ($50 at the time of this writing), but this is to authorize a large gathering only, not to reserve tables. You must still show up early and hope to get enough tables for your event, and here at the Fabbri Picnic Area, the only possible choice is the four-table grouping. For more information and a permit form, visit the National Park Service’s Special Use Permits web page for Acadia National Park.
The Fabbri Picnic Area was named after Alessandro Fabbri, a local resident who built a radio station on this spot and offered it to the Navy in exchange for a commission as its commanding officer. The station was the most important in the United States during World War I because there was no noise or other interference from the surrounding area. While Fabbri died in 1922, the station remained in operation until 1935 when John D. Rockefeller Jr. agreed to build a new station on the Schoodic Peninsula in exchange for the land that was needed to build the Park Loop Road for Acadia National Park.
On the west side of the peninsula, directly across the Park Loop Road from the picnic area, is another parking lot and a memorial to Fabbri. The inscription on the memorial reads:
“In Memory of
1877 Alessandro Fabbri 1922
Lieutenant U.S.N.R.F.
A resident and lover of Mount Desert Island
who commanded the
United States Naval Radio Station
upon this site from its establishment
on August 28, 1917 until December 12, 1919.
At the end of the World War he was awarded the Navy Cross.
His citation stated that under his direction the station became
the most important and the most efficient station in the world.
This tablet is erected by his friends and
fellow townsmen in testimony to
his patriotic service, high character
and endearing qualities.
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Last updated on August 16, 2023