Acadia National Park | PARK LOOP ROAD

Acadia National Park Loop Road near Beaver Dam Pond

Acadia National Park Loop Road near Beaver Dam Pond

The 27-mile scenic Park Loop Road takes visitors around the eastern section of Acadia National Park’s Mount Desert Island. The road begins and ends at the Hulls Cove Visitor Center and runs for three miles before reaching the start of the actual loop. The road is one-way in the clockwise direction from the start of the loop until just past Wildwood Stables on the southwest end. Furthermore, no roadside parking is allowed from the start of the loop until after the exit for the Bear Brook Picnic Area. Once beyond the picnic area you can park in the right hand lane. There is no need to pull off the road.

Just in case you haven’t purchased an entrance pass for Acadia National Park, there is a pay station just before the exit for Sand Beach; you must purchase a pass to drive farther. This is the only entrance station in the park, for most of Acadia National Park is accessed along public roads. Even if you don’t plan to drive the Park Loop Road, you still need a pass to use any of the federally owned parking areas. Passes are also sold at Hulls Cove Visitor Center, Park Loop Road Fee Station, Thompson Island Visitor CenterBlackwoods CampgroundSchoodic Woods Campground, and the Seawall Campground. There is also an automated fee machine that dispenses passes at the entrance to the Schoodic Institute on the Schoodic Peninsula. Passes can also be purchased from third-party sellers at the Jordon Pond Gift Shop, Bar Harbor Chamber of Commerce on Cottage Street, Ellsworth Chamber of Commerce, Mount Desert Chamber of Commerce, and the Southwest Harbor/Tremont Chamber of Commerce.

The Park Loop Road has a number of scenic overlooks and attractions along the way. See the following web pages for information on the most popular stops:

Sieur de Monts Spring

Schooner Head Overlook

Sand Beach

Thunder Hole

Jordan Pond House

Cadillac Mountain Summit

In the summer, the Park Loop Road can be packed with cars, and parking at the most popular attractions and hiking trails is nearly impossible to find. Visitors end up parking along the road up to a half mile in either direction from their intended stop and have to walk back. An alternative to driving is to take the free Island Explorer Shuttle Bus, which runs from late June through Columbus Day. This not only stops at all major attractions and trails, but you can also ask to get off anywhere and are able to flag down the bus at locations other than the official bus stops. Furthermore, the bus services most major hotels and private campgrounds on Mount Desert Island. If it does not stop where you are staying, drive to the Hulls Cove Visitor Center and catch the bus from there. The Visitor Center has a large parking lot. I can say without hesitation that the bus is the way to go for those stopping at Sand Beach, the Jordan Pond House, or anywhere in downtown Bar Harbor. I missed a boat cruise that I paid $40 for because I could not find parking in Bar Harbor after driving around in circles for a half hour.

The Park Loop Road is closed to vehicles from December 1st through April 14th (depending on the weather) except for a two-mile section from the Sand Beach entrance station to Otter Cliff Road (accessible via Schooner Head Road in Bar Harbor) and the Jordan Pond area (accessible via Jordan Pond Road in Seal Harbor). Pedestrians, bikes, and snow mobiles can use the road during this time.

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Last updated on August 24, 2023
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